Haiku Liv : Title: Futures Unseen

2 min readNov 3, 2023

Eyes whisper love’s tale,
In another life, a wife
Dreams as years unfold.

Photo by Joseph Pearson on Unsplash

The Inspiration:

When I was younger, I was in a stage in my life where I was struggling to find what my identity truly was. I didn’t come out as a lesbian until I had my first girlfriend at the age of 16. As cliché as this sounds, when I was still in the midst of discovering my identity, I knew one of my dreams was to have marriage in my future. I was intrigued by the idea of having a home with someone and having them become a part of my family, building those memories with them. I discovered at 16 that my potential partner in the future would be a woman (once I came out). Fast forward to now, I’m 25, still trying to navigate what it is exactly I want in my life. I want what any 25-year-old wants: a good career, lots of money, and… wait a minute. I feel like my generation views marriage as less idealistic than previous generations did. I’m not against the idea of a casual connection, but I’ve never had a relationship that lasted longer than 5 years and blossomed into something more. This was the inspiration behind my poem. I’m just a normal 25-year-old lesbian woman pondering the idea of having a long-term partner and what that would look like for me. I hope other readers can enjoy this perspective and maybe relate.




🌈 Lesbian writer weaving real-life tales 📚 | Music & dance enthusiast 🎵 | Exploring life's vibrant spectrum 🌟